All about Kohl's Stony Hill Tree Farm

We are a small Christmas Tree Farm with giant sized dreams.  It all started when Nancy and Stan bought a 39 acre run down farm near Nancy's hometown of Limestoneville.  A mere few days later we started cutting trees from the one field that had several thousand which had not been taken care of.  We hauled the trees to Stan's aunt's farm market outside of Northumberland called Kohl's Market.  In 1987 Nancy and Stan got married and moved into an apartment just 2 miles from the farm.  Since we got married on the 21st and went to Florida for a honeymoon, we rushed home just so we could again cut and sell trees in Norry. I am sure to this day, Nancy has many regrets on both the date and the selling of trees.  We soon found that our customers wanted us to do more and more and we complied.  In 1988 we started to make wreaths in the basement of the house that we had finally moved into.  In 1989 we started taking the wreaths to the Lewisburg Farmers Market on Wednesdays and the Route 15 flea Market on Sundays during our tree season.  Both of which we still continue to peddle our products to this day.

In the early to mid 90's we started to allow people to come to our farm and go into the field as a family and cut their own tree.  This has become the backbone of what our farm has been built on - families coming here to enjoy some time together and creating memories that will never be forgotten.  1995 brought the addition to our family in the form of a wonderful daughter who has learned to help with the business from a very early age.  I can remember here making here very own wreath for on her play house at the age of 3 and I would to this day be proud to place it on our own front door.  in 1996 we added a garage onto the house and moved the wreath making to that which started on one side while the contractor had supplies on the other.  The downside to the garage was that it is 3 steps higher than the house and every time you went from it into the house, all the needles followed.  Nancy was not liking that one bit.  So in 2002 we built a 5000 square foot building which was intended to make the wreaths and house a Christmas Shoppe.  That first year we had about 1000 ornaments and made around 1200 wreaths.  In 2004 my one great Aunt passes away and we had a public sale of all her belongings at that very farm market we sold trees.  Stan's one cousin who we curse to this day,  :) insisted he bring about 4 or 5 tree stands along home.  "Just because your in the tree business" was his excuse.  Those 5 stands along with more than a thousand more are hanging on the walls in our Christmas Shoppe and they in themselves are worth stopping by to look at. (More on the stands later in this article).  In 2008 we made the hard decision that that was going to be our last year of selling trees in Norry.  Though we always did well and have tons of loyal customers, Stan was just stretching himself too thin to keep up with both.  We wanted to concentrate on where we had so much more to offer.  To this day, I still have people tell me how much they miss our stand along Route 147.  At the end of the 2011 tree season we found ourselves without room to move, the store was packed with about 40,000 ornaments, customers were very patient and we managed with what we had.

2012 brought the largest financial investment we have made in the farm to date.  We added 7000 square feet of showroom to the Christmas Shoppe.  We started in the spring - months after I thought we should have due to government involvement around every corner.  We were setting up the fake trees and hanging ornaments right next to the contractors.  I started to worry we wouldn't be able to open but the day before we were scheduled to open, we finally got our occupancy permit so we could let customers in.  What an awesome first season it was.

Recognizing that the now bigger shop needed many more people visiting in order to remain open, we looked at things we could do to help get folks here.  Being a farmer and wanting to conserve our land with as few building as possible, we decided on adding a corn maze to extend our season into the fall.  Having several options on how to go about building the maze, we picked by far the best route we could go in hiring a company from Idaho to come cut the design into our field.  Maze Play has been a wonderful and most necessary part of how we do our maze.  They design it, come with 2 tractors that are equipped with GPS and computer screens that will knock your socks off.  When they load the tractors back on the trailer, we have a design in the field that is exactly like the picture they provided us months prior.  The first several years I hired an airplane to take me over the field so I could take pictures to showcase their awesome work.  Our mazes are not designed to have people lost in a corn field - really what fun is that?  We are here to have fun and the addition of the corn maze has expanded that ten fold.  Each year we have a unique design that only we have.  No other maze in the country has a design like ours.  Along with the maze, we started making giant sized games and are still adding more as of today.  These games in themselves are a wonderful way to spend time with your family and just enjoying each other for a few hours.  That coupled with our half an hour hayride that goes 5 miles and crosses a covered bridge.  We find the biggest complaint that people have about us is that they didn't allow themselves enough time to do so many things we have going on.  For that reason this year we added season passes for those who want to come back as often as they like for a super low price.

Our Christmas Shoppe has grown to be the largest in PA.  We currently have well over 100,000 ornaments in our 12,000 square foot showroom.  We hope to get the bugs all worked out very soon so we can open an online store and offer many but not all of the ornaments we have.

Now back to those tree stands I mentioned earlier.  I curse my cousin because of all the money I have since spent to build our collection to where we now have over 1150.  All of which are hanging on the walls in our Christmas Shoppe for you to come enjoy.  In 2014 I tried to get a world record for having the largest collection - we failed that attempt.  In June of 2016 I again submitted with Guinness World Records and have learned since then there is way more to claiming the record than just taking pictures and telling them we have that many.  A month ago they asked for videos of the stands which we provided that very same day.  Earlier this week I heard back and now I must type out a explanation on how I got started into it plus a description of each.  As anxious as I am to have the record, my days currently are super busy running the maze so I am not to sure when we will get them the information needed but it will happen soon.  I can hardly wait to welcome thousands of people annually to our shop with a huge banner out front stating we are world record holders.

Wih that I will conclude my story for now.  I just want to invite you to come enjoy some time with us whether it be for the maze, the egg hunts or our joyous tree season.  Come, start a family tradition that will create memories for a lifetime.


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